The NENC welcomes our newest Board Member, Robert Stanley. Robert is a Graduate Student at the University of Notre Dame and has lived in the Northeast Neighborhood for the past 5 years. He works in the field of Tree Chemistry to help breed a green ash tree that is resistant to emerald ash borer yet cannot remember to water his own plants. A native of Chicagoland, and the child of two northeast Ohioans, it is in his blood to hunker down for long winters of deep snow, perimiclouds and endless games of euchre.
Robert has wanted to be more involved in his neighborhood for a couple of years. Finally, after COVID-19 shut everything down, he decided to participate in the neighborhood association’s monthly zoom meetings. He was honored to accept an invitation to join the board. He looks forward meeting everyone in person when the time comes. Until then, he will continue waving ‘hi’ to the folks working at the firehouse while he bikes past on Notre Dame Avenue. If you see a bundled-up individual on a bike doggedly skidding through the snow, it may be Robert.